About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )
Friday, October 29, 2010
Which costume?
Song of the Week #4: Innocent by Taylor Swift
Let me know what you think about it! I hope it is very inspirational to you, it surely was to me. (:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Poem of the Week #7
Pumpkin Carving!

Poem of the Week #6 : You
When I think of you,
Is your wonderful smile.
The second would be your adorable laugh.

I could go on and on,
But the list would never end.
That we've been together
And of all of the happy memories we've already shared
It amazes me to no end
And I know that we were meant to be together.
I look at you and see overflowing love, hope, and joy
As well as charm, strength, happiness and dignity.
With all of these wonderful qualities
It's no wonder I love you so.
By : Ashley Mclean
Click here to see where I got this poem!
You like a lot of these poems? Here are a couple links to poem blogs :
Short Sweet Love Poems
Sad poems
Poetry of Life
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Cool New Things
Click here to view my checklist as an example.
If you would like to create one, click here.
Texting While Driving
Animal of the Week #4: Frogs!

You can find frogs mostly anywhere except Antarctica and every environment except the ocean. Mainly is all depends on what type of frog you are looking for. Most of the time, you will find frogs in any civilized area except poisonous frogs (you won't find them anywhere people are.)

What do you think about frogs?
Sources: http://allaboutfrogs.org/weird/weird.html
Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween Time!
Quote of the Week #4
Columbine High School massacre
"I won't be labeled as average." - Rachel Joy Scott.
Rachel Scott was the first one killed in the Columbine shooting, she was having lunch with her friends when they came out and put 2 bullets through her shoulder. Rachel wanted to make an impact of the world that she was living in. I know this many sound weird and crazy, but Rachel knew she was going to die young. She use to say to her friends and family "I am going to die young, I just know it." She wrote an essay 2 weeks before she died the title was "My Ethics, Codes of Life," this essay was written about compassion and kindness to people can make a huge impact of the world.
They found this picture on the back of her dresser months and months after her death.

A true, but crazy story is a couple months after Rachel's death

This is crazy right? I think that the massacre of Columbine was a lifetime event. Rachel's funeral was aired live on national TV, over a million people tuned in and watches her funeral. Those 13 students and one teacher that had their life taken that day were completely innocent. I hope we can I learn from Rachel's movement, I know I sure am. What do you think?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Can you relate to this?
Song of the Week # 3: New Day by Tamar Kaprelian
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Deer Hunting
Poem of the Week #5
I wish that I could put a stop to time
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"The pregnancy pact"
Think 17 girls, 17 boys, and 17 new lives. At Gloucester High school in Massachusetts 17 young ladies were expecting to be new mother, these ladies were no more than 16 years old. The principal of this high school said "some girls seemed more upset when they weren't pregnant than when they were." It all started from one girl, she was innocent. Her and her boyfriend had no intentions of doing anything of the sort to get her pregnant. Until, the day she met this new group of "friends," about two of them were already pregnant so she thought it would be cool to be pregnant too. The girls confessed that they all wanted to get pregnant at the same time so they could have the babies around the same time and raise them together.
What I think about this?
Getting pregnant at 16? Are you that anxious to have a baby already? Girls that think they want to have a baby should really talk to their parents about it. They had you and they would tell you the truth about what it’s like being a parent. You hardly get any sleep because the baby is up most of the time wanting changed or feed. Many babies have to have something to put them to sleep like riding around in the car or being pushed in the swing that they have. I honestly think the pregnancy rate in America is ridiculously. That is just my opinion, what do you think about this?
Links to the story about the pregnancy pact:
Monday, October 18, 2010
Quote of the Week # 3
I got the quote above from here.
Mud Bogging
Homecoming 2010 (:

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Special Someone
Friday, October 15, 2010
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Song of the Week #2
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Simple Tip #10
Cyber-bullying - No good.

Here are some links to true life stories where teens have committed suicide because of cyberbullying:
The Megan Story
Blogs about cyberbullying:
Take Control and Stop Cyber-Bullying
Cyber-Bullying Help
We Say NO! (To Cyber-Bullying)
What is it?
School levies
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Simple tip #9

Animal of the Week #3: Giraffe
We all love to go to the zoo, right? Well when I go there, I love to see the giraffes. They are one of my top five animals that I truly adore. They are always so calm and I love their fur. Here are some facts you may not have known about giraffes:
Interesting Facts:
- When a new born giraffe is born it can be up to 6 feet tall.
- The scientific name for a giraffe is "Camelopardalis."
- The giraffe is one of the strongest, tallest, and most peaceful animals on earth.
- A giraffe's heart is about 24 pounds and 2 inches long.
- A giraffe sleeps no longer than 5 to 30 minutes within 24 hours.
What do giraffes eat?
-Giraffes drink up to 38 liters of water a day. They do this so they can go a long time without water. - Giraffes are herbivores. They eat mainly tree leaves, twigs, fruit, and grass.
- They eat up to 65 to 75 pounds a day but they can survive on only 15 pounds a day.
Where do these creatures live?
- Giraffes only live on one continent - Africa. Although you see them at the zoo they don't come from the United States.
- They enjoy to live in grasslands and savannas.
- They really love an area with a lot of acacia trees; which is their favorite food.
So next time you go to the zoo, you have a little bit of more information on giraffes. (:
I hope you enjoy it!
Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Song of the Week!
Fun Sites : )
This is actually the site of a real magazine. In my opinion, I think it is mainly for girls. It has many things about hairstyles, make up, boys, and just girl life. Also, you can enjoy their many games and quizzes.
This is a great site for girls to ask questions about their growing body and their period, also.
Teen Girls
Blog Talk Radio
Hairstyle Ideas:
Hair Colours
Cool Girl Hairstyles
Seventeen [ Beauty Hair Ideas ]
Has many fun and interesting games that you may enjoy playing.
Addicting Games
Candy Stand
Yahoo Games
Free Online Games
Fox Sports
Yahoo Sports
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sites you might enjoy!
Christian dating advice
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
Lecrae - A Christian Rapper
I have been thinking of music artists that I really like and Lecrae came to mind. I feel that it is important for teens to get ahold of God. I'm hoping that these videos will help them! Here is Lecrae's story!
Poem of the Week #4 : Just Like You
Tantalizingly taunting …
They strive to graze the bicycle’s pedals,
Just as my hands strive to emerge
From the lemon yellow dress
You handed down to me.
My slow growth is too far behind
Your quick judgment,
Constantly comparing a hazy reflection
To that black and white photograph
You have framed in the hallway.
Maybe someday the dress will fit.
Poem of the Week #3: Best Friends
Simple Tip #8
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tell Them Off Wednesdays! - Starting today!
This is what they really are! They aren't as nice as they appear, are they?
Simple Tip #7
Facebook or Myspace?

In my opinion, Facebook is much better then Myspace if you like to play games and keep up to date with your family or friends. Myspace is alright if you like to be creative and you have a little more time on your hands. Here is some information about both Facebook and Myspace if you are into creating an account:
You can chat with peers who are online anytime! Many people use Facebook for the games & to see what is going on with people in their day to day life. A lot of adult and teens get addicted to games on Facebook like Farmville, Cafe world, and Farmtown. You can now buy money cards at your local Wal-mart or Krogers that you can use on Farmville! Another good thing that parents really like about Facebook is that Facebook has a very good protection system, which will keep what you want private always private. On Facebook you can comment on people's pictures, status, and relationship status. In 2007 Facebook had more than 21 million members generating 1.6 billion page views a day!
Myspace was one of the very sites I got when I was 13. I love how on Myspace you can design your background the way you want it. (That’s one thing about Facebook that I don't like) On Myspace there is also videos and games. A lot of kids these days have found Facebook and have forgotten all about Myspace. Yes, I am at fault for that but I do check my Myspace every once in a while. The one thing I really liked about Myspace was that you could have music on your page; even a whole playlist of songs. Just like Facebook, on Myspace you can have personal private settings and chat with peers online.
I got my information for this site:
So you tell me Facebook or Myspace? (:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Simple Tip #6
You're beautiful on the inside

Talk to your friends and parents about it:
Yes, I know this may seem to be the answer to a lot of problems, but believe me it truly does help! You probably think that your parents will always tell you that you are pretty just because they are your parent’s - right? Don't think that; honestly don't. If your friends or parents tell you that you’re perfect just the way you are then believe them and build from that. (:
Change in behavior and attitude:
Try to overcome this feeling with being positive with yourself and others. Have a good attitude about everything you do and say. Be grateful for everything and try your best at everything you do. If you fail, just tell yourself that you will know better next time and will try your best to succeed at whatever you are doing.
Remember it's not always about the looks:
Beauty is not only on the outside. Your personality plays a big part on your beauty. My mom says "You can be the prettiest girl, but your personality can make you ugly." I totally agree with her. Many celebrities may have the pretty face, but the personality just isn't good so many people end up not liking them. Just look at the high divorce rate among movie stars. You might thing to yourself "She is so pretty, why would he dump her?" Well, maybe she was not a nice person and very hard to get along with. Again, you could be the most beautiful person in the world, but if you cannot get along with others than you are no good to anyone.
Animal of the Week: Seal
What do they eat?
Seals are meat eaters. The prey they like to eat is mainly fish, like flounder and salmon. They usually tear their food up into chunks and swallow the chunks without chewing. The large leopard seals prey on emperor and king penguins. They just wait for the penguin to dive into the water, and then they get a good grip on them and shake them to death.
There are about 5 different types of seals that live around Antarctica:
Monday, October 4, 2010
Quote of the Week #2
To Save A Life.
Here is the movie trailer if you would like to look more into the movie :
Here is the link to the offical movie site :