About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )

UTS is a site that was made by three people, Morgan, Austin, and Andrea for mainly teens. Our goal is to connect with teens like ourselves. We would love to hear your thoughts and tips on how to make our site better. Don't be afraid to communicate with us :] There are interesting questions, facts, polls, information on how to cook a few things, advice on anything, and a lot more fun things! We have a special activity for each day! If you would like information on those activites, look under Activities of the Day on the right column.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Which costume?

Halloween is two days away. I wanted to post something else that has to do with Halloween. Costumes came to mind. I have picked out two costumes that I would like for you to pick between. Comment on this post and tell me which one you like better!

Costume #1Teen-Crayon-Costume-295x300Teen Crayon

Costume #2glowgirl%20teen%20costumeTeen Glow

Song of the Week #4: Innocent by Taylor Swift

Kayne West totally humiliated Taylor at the 2009 VMA for winning female video of the year over Beyonce. He had a different opinion about how things went and he should have kept that to himself. Taylor wrote this song for him telling him its okay and she forgives him about everything that happened that night. Taylor went off of Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace for a long time. She was so emotionally hurt by this, Kayne made her feel like she was nothing and her songs weren't any good. She spent about 5 months writing these new songs to connect with all different people. Kayne performed a song that kind of back fired at Taylor, if you want to view that video click here. Also, this song also connects with people that have been having a hard time and wanting to get back on the right path. This song is very inspiration because you can start over with stuff and be a brand new you. Life is a tough crowd, but it's never too late to just be you again, innocent. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do. (:

Let me know what you think about it! I hope it is very inspirational to you, it surely was to me. (:

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Poem of the Week #7

One Heart to Hold

She's holding onto him
She's holding him tight.
He's scared to lose her.
but her heart is out of sight.
She belongs to someone else.
And he'll never know,
24531How much he meant to her.
His feelings, he couldn't show.
He couldn't understand her.
Miles apart inside,
hand in hand.
Feelings seem to subside.
Holding her heart close,
protecting herself from pain,
For her love to him, was merely a game.
She longs for him in the rain,
And she cry's for him in the dark.
She has to let go, her heart is being torn apart.
She's weaker than she appears,
but stronger than she knows.
And I guess this is the way,
True love, truly goes.

By: Sarah V. Carey

To see the site where I got this poem, click here!

Pumpkin Carving!

Carving pumpkins is so much fun! You can carve a pumpkin at any age, it doesn't matter if your 5 or 100! You get to make your own design with the pumpkin and pick out all the guts in it. How many of you enjoy doing that? I know I do, I carve pumpkins every year with my family and it is a bunch of fun! Well it's right around Halloween time, and I thought I might show you guys some awesome pumpkin carvings. My sister is good at carving pumpkins, but me, I can't. These people really know how to decorate a pumpkin, look!

Poem of the Week #6 : You

The first thing I think of
When I think of you,
Is your wonderful smile.
The second would be your adorable laugh.
I could go on and on,
But the list would never end.

When I think of the short time
That we've been together
And of all of the happy memories we've already shared
It amazes me to no end
And I know that we were meant to be together.
I look at you and see overflowing love, hope, and joy
As well as charm, strength, happiness and dignity.
With all of these wonderful qualities
It's no wonder I love you so.

By : Ashley Mclean
Click here to see where I got this poem!
You like a lot of these poems? Here are a couple links to poem blogs :
Short Sweet Love Poems
Sad poems
Poetry of Life

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What is it? #5

Last week's what is it was pollen.

 What is this? It's easy to guess!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cool New Things

There are two cool things that my teacher has introduced to me. One of them is called Wordle. I think it is pretty interesting because you can put a lot of words together and the wordle program will put them into a word collage. Here is an example that I made:

Wordle: Teen Life

Click here to try it for yourself.


The second thing that my teacher introduced to me is Ta-da Lists. What I like about this site is that it allows you to make checklists. You can also share your checklists with people.

Click here to view my checklist as an example.

If you would like to create one, click here.

Texting While Driving

avoid textingIt’s a bad habit to text and drive. Have you ever thought of the consequences of texting and driving at the same time? You can have a crash and in some states they will give you a ticket if they catch you texting while driving. If you didn't have to take your eyes off the road to text while you’re driving, then texting and driving wouldn't be a bad thing. The truth is, you have to take your eyes off the road and doing that can get you killed someday. Just looking at something on the side of the road or even a sign can get you killed. So, what do you think texting can do? Talking on the phone can distract you and make you think about something else other than driving. Anything to do with a cell phone is a bad thing to use in your car. If you wanted to be really safe, you could just shut it off and put it in your pocket for when you get an important phone call. Most people just think they can handle texting and driving at the same time, but usually those are the people that we read about in the newspaper for having a wreck. I try to keep mine in my pocket when I drive. What do you do with your cell phone while driving? Let me know if you text and drive because I would hate to read about you in the newspaper.

Animal of the Week #4: Frogs!

Many people are scared to pick up a frog or even go near it. The truth is most frogs are completely harmless. They can't hurt you because they have no teeth. The only scary thing they might do is jump on your head, which would be very funny! Frogs are a part of the zoological class called Amphibian. Some may ask, what is the difference between a frog and a toad? The way you can tell the difference between the two is that frogs tend to lay eggs in clusters, and they have two bulging eyes. Toads have warty and dry skin, and they lay eggs in long chains.

You can find frogs mostly anywhere except Antarctica and every environment except the ocean. Mainly is all depends on what type of frog you are looking for. Most of the time, you will find frogs in any civilized area except poisonous frogs (you won't find them anywhere people are.)

Frogs can live 4 to 15 years, now that’s crazy stuff. Frogs mainly feed on flies, worms, and snails. Doesn't that sound yummy? Frogs can't chew on their food so they have to shallow it whole! What if we had to swallow our food whole? I honestly don't think I could swallow a whole hamburger without chewing. Frogs are very interesting creatures they can jump anywhere they want. We can't do that, but frogs can and that’s what I find so cool about them.

What do you think about frogs?

Sources: http://allaboutfrogs.org/weird/weird.html

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Time!

Halloween is drawing near! How many of you still go trick-or-treating? I've actually heard of parents telling kids that they are too old to trick-or-treat. At the moment, I could care less that I'm sixteen years old. I'm going to trick-or-treat until I'm 18. It is a really fun experience for me that I like to share with my friends and family. I usually take my nieces or nephews with me whenever I go. Some of you might do that too. If you don't go trick-or-treating anymore, tell me about the costumes your wore. What did you dress up as? I find that some of the costumes that people wear are very creative. When I was a little girl, I always went as a witch except for three times. In those three times that I wasn't a witch, I was a murderer, an emperess, and a cheerleader. This year, I think I'm dressing up as a princess with my best friend. Our boyfriends are going to be princes. My boyfriend and I were going to go as Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. My best friend and her boyfriend, which is my boyfriend's brother, were originally going as a football player and cheerleader. Yes, I know that those aren't really the greatest costumes in the world but they are simple. I like simplicity. Are there any other things that you do on Halloween? If you would, comment this and tell me all about it. I'm actually pretty interested in knowing about it. Just so you know, I celebrate Halloween as a fun thing. I don't celebrate it as the devil's holiday. Remember to comment this and tell me all about your Halloween experiences!

Quote of the Week #4

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not. 

What does this quote mean exactly? It is basically saying that your negativity and disbelief can really hold you back sometimes. Here are a few examples to help clarify this :

1. A girl wanting to become a singer and saying, " I'm not that good. I could never become a singer."

2. A boy painting the most magnificent picture and refusing to enter it into a show because he is afraid no one will like it. He doesn't believe that he is an artist.

3. People that don't think that they are good people. They just say that they aren't that of a person.

Don't hold yourself back. Believe that you can do the impossible and never give up. Give things all that you have! Just go for it! What do you have to lose?

Columbine High School massacre

On the Hitler's birthday, April 20, 1999, two students decided to take the life of 13 others and their own lives in Columbine High school in Columbine, Colorado. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were two seniors that were bullied all throughout high school. Students that were killed: Rachel Scott - 17, Richard Castaldo - 17, Daniel Rohrbough - 15, Lance Kirklin - 16, Michael Johnson - 15, Mark Taylor - 16, Anne-Marie Hochhatler - 17, Brian Anderson - 16, Patti Neilson - 35, Stephaine Munson - 16, and Dave Sander - 47 (the only teacher killed in the shooting.)

"I won't be labeled as average." - Rachel Joy Scott.

Rachel Scott was the first one killed in the Columbine shooting, she was having lunch with her friends when they came out and put 2 bullets through her shoulder. Rachel wanted to make an impact of the world that she was living in. I know this many sound weird and crazy, but Rachel knew she was going to die young. She use to say to her friends and family "I am going to die young, I just know it." She wrote an essay 2 weeks before she died the title was "My Ethics, Codes of Life," this essay was written about compassion and kindness to people can make a huge impact of the world.

They found this picture on the back of her dresser months and months after her death.

Its Rachel's hands saying "These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people's hearts."

A true, but crazy story is a couple months after Rachel's death this man from Ohio called Rachel's dad and told him that he had a dream about girls eyes with tears in them falling to the ground. The tears made something grow from the ground as if a new life was beginning. The man asked the dad if this meant anything to him, the dad said no. Rachel's dad took down his name and number if something did come up. About a week later he went to go pick up Rachel's backpack from the police office after investigations. He flipped to the last thing that Rachel wrote and it was eyes. Two girl’s eyes with 13 clear drops, falling to the grounded and beginning a new life of a flower.

This is crazy right? I think that the massacre of Columbine was a lifetime event. Rachel's funeral was aired live on national TV, over a million people tuned in and watches her funeral. Those 13 students and one teacher that had their life taken that day were completely innocent. I hope we can I learn from Rachel's movement, I know I sure am. What do you think?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Can you relate to this?

Almost every girl likes to have some girly lovey songs in her mind, right? Well, this is a good song that I know of and many of you probably know it too. I like this song because I know a friend that it really relates to. To me, it is kind of inspiring. If you have a boyfriend that doesn't spend time with you like he should, then you can relate to this. It's sad that girls and even guys have to deal with wrong doings from their dating partner. If you are one of those people, I am terribly sorry. I hope that you enjoy this song and it inspires you to be strong for not only yourself but even the ones that care about you. This song is also pretty sad if you relate, so be wise on deciding to listen to it.

Song of the Week # 3: New Day by Tamar Kaprelian

Have you ever felt like you needed a change and were totally lost from yourself? This song explains that feeling of changing yourself and finding a new way to live. Most teens go through the stage of not knowing themselves and wanting a new day to come. No matter what you go through, you always have to believe that things can change for you and stay strong. This will pass just like all the other problems in a teen's life that have come and gone. Rumors, lies, and being totally put down - we have all went through it and God doesn't put you through anything you can't handle. Listen to the song because it is truly inspirational! Enjoy. (:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Deer Hunting

I like to go out and deer hunt. It's always fun because you never know when the big one will come running up to you. I have liked going ever since I was little. It may get cold out when you are sitting out in the woods, but it will be worth it when the big buck comes walking up to you. It really gets your heart racing when that happens. I have shot a big buck before and a lot of does. It's a good feeling because you feel good that you hit that deer. It takes a lot of time and money to go deer hunting. By the time you buy your gun and all the stuff to go, you will have a lot of money spent. If you are going to go out, you always have to be on the look out for people in the woods. You might think they are a deer and shoot them. Like I said, it's fun to go out and deer hunt but you have to be careful. If you would, please tell me about your fun experiences with hunting. Remember to keep it safe when you are out there hunting.

Poem of the Week #5

Time Passes By

Hours pass me by
time passes bt Pictures, Images and PhotosI grow older each minute
I don't know why
I don't want it to be this way

I wish that I could put a stop to time
I'd give every possession
I'd give every dime
I would give everything that I have

When I look back, I remember it all
I remember that one boy
That showed me how hard I could fall
I never wanted that to end

When I look back, I sure do remember
That one special friend of mine
Who was born in December
I could tell that God put her in my path

I would stop time the first chance I'd get
I would go back to kiss
The ones I love and would never forget
Hours would no longer pass me by

By: Andrea W.

Here are some blogs that have to do with poetry that you may like :

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"The pregnancy pact"

Think 17 girls, 17 boys, and 17 new lives. At Gloucester High school in Massachusetts 17 young ladies were expecting to be new mother, these ladies were no more than 16 years old. The principal of this high school said "some girls seemed more upset when they weren't pregnant than when they were." It all started from one girl, she was innocent. Her and her boyfriend had no intentions of doing anything of the sort to get her pregnant. Until, the day she met this new group of "friends," about two of them were already pregnant so she thought it would be cool to be pregnant too. The girls confessed that they all wanted to get pregnant at the same time so they could have the babies around the same time and raise them together.
What I think about this?
Getting pregnant at 16? Are you that anxious to have a baby already? Girls that think they want to have a baby should really talk to their parents about it. They had you and they would tell you the truth about what it’s like being a parent. You hardly get any sleep because the baby is up most of the time wanting changed or feed. Many babies have to have something to put them to sleep like riding around in the car or being pushed in the swing that they have. I honestly think the pregnancy rate in America is ridiculously. That is just my opinion, what do you think about this?
Wordle: prengany pact
Links to the story about the pregnancy pact:


What is it? #4

 Can you guess what this is?

whatt is it

Monday, October 18, 2010

Quote of the Week # 3


Where there is love, there is life.
- Mahatma Gandhi

What do you think this means? In my opinion, it is talking about how the world should just come together and love each other. If this world had no love, we wouldn't be anywhere. Have you ever heard the expression, "Love makes the world go 'round"? I believe that it's true! This world would be filled with complete chaos if nonbody had love in their hearts. Picture how wonderful this Earth would be if no one was mean or cruel and everyone showed love for each other. Picture everyone helping each other by picking up litter and just working together. Today, I would like for you guys to tell the ones you love and care about that you love and care for them, sincerely compliment and apologize to the people you dislike, and try your very hardest to keep bad thoughts in your own head and not out in the open. If we all start to get along, we can make wonders and miracles happen!

I got the quote above from here.

Mud Bogging

Mud Bogging is a fun thing to do if you have an old truck and you don't drive it on the road anymore. The best time to go is when it has just rained a lot. You can go out in the woods or field but try not to get stuck. Also, you can go to a place and pay to do it. They would have a pit dug for you to go through. I would much rather go out in the woods and do it because you never have to worry about something going wrong. When you are down in that pit, you can very easily hit the side of the pit and flip your truck. It's better if you put big tires on it so you have a better chance of not getting stuck. You can buy big tires for your mud truck at Trail City. They can cost you anywhere from $100 to $1,000. I think it's worth it though because you can have a lot of fun doing it, as long as you can keep it safe. Would you ever go mud bogging or own a mud truck? Let me know! I would like to hear your thoughts about mud running.

Homecoming 2010 (:

Homecoming is always an exciting weekend, you have the homecoming football game and then the dance. Most sophomore and freshmen look forward to this day every year because juniors and senior still have prom so they look mainly forward to that. This past weekend was our schools homecoming. Our theme at the high school I attend was Hawaiian, it was actually really cute. I really had a blast! I went with my boyfriend, best friend, and her boyfriend. We had dinner at my house, thanks to my wonderful mom. A lot of girls don't go to homecoming for one simple reason: Drama. Actually, there was no drama at homecoming that I know about. Last year, it was full of drama for me and my friends. It just made my night no fun, but oh well this year was incredible! I am so glad to hear that everyone got home safe and soundly. What was your homecoming this year like? I would love to hear your stories!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Special Someone

Do you have that special someone in your life or are you waiting for them to walk in? If you already have someone special in your life, then congratulations! You have something that pretty much every single person wants! I have one little tip for you on the top of my head. Don't ever go to bed mad at each other. Plenty of you probably do this. When you go to bed upset with each other, your night isn't as good as it should be and it forms a wedge between you and your someone! I know that you don't want that! If you are one of those people that are waiting for the right person to come into your life, just be patient. I understand that being patient is a very hard thing to do at times. Don't just jump into relationships. Wait, be patient and keep your standards high! The right someone will show up on your door step eventually. You will just have to let them in! Good luck!

Friday, October 15, 2010


This is a video I made to go with my quad posts that was a while ago. I like riding quads very much, it's mainly what I do in my free time. Many quads in this video are Honda ATV's, I find these to be one of the best brands of quads. They run very well and have very few problems. Here are a video of some quads that I find interesting. Comment to let me know what you think of it. Thanks.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Song of the Week #2

I was looking for videos of Ke$ha's on youtube and I found this song. This was my first time hearing this song. I thought that you guys may like this song for song of the week.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Simple Tip #10

You know how people are always telling you to go beyond expectations? What happens when you feel like you really have outdid yourself and then people shut you down? I know how it feels. I do more than what I'm supposed to and it doesn't even matter. It's like people find flaw in every little thing and just won't, for once, give people a break. This can trigger anger. If you are feeling angry or upset about anything, try your very hardest to think clearly before making an action. Just remember, your actions have consequences! Think beyond the big picture. Also, think about how it can affect things later down the road.

Cyber-bullying - No good.

Have you ever got a mean message on Myspace, Facebook, or Twitter from someone that you were in a fight with or they just didn't like you? Technology is very useful tool if you use it for good reasons. Many schools have blocked all Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Tumblr, and a lot of other social networks. Many teens use texting and other social networks to gossip and even harass somebody. My opinion in this matter is if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Yes, I am at fault for some cyber-bullying and it was even taken to the principle of my high school. The girl was in a grade below me, it was a BIG misunderstanding. Though I have to admit I was really scared that day when they called me down to the office to go and talk to the principle about what was said over Facebook. The girl and I talked everything out, and we are now good friends. When you get mean messages or text you just need to ignore it because you replying back to them just fuels the fire even more. They are trying to get you to react to the stuff they are saying so they can have a good laugh about it. Be the bigger person and don't let them take the smile off of your face.
Here are some links to true life stories where teens have committed suicide because of cyberbullying:

What is it?

This week, we decided to try to give you somewhat of a challenge. In my opinion, this is still pretty easy. Good luck!


School levies

My high school is having a levy right now. I think it is not the smartest thing to do but what do I know? They are having it because our school is struggling with money. Instead of trying to raise money, they are just cutting a lot of teachers, along with after school things. Many kids enjoy the things that are being cut. It's not fair to all the kids that like doing those things. A lot of the kids have been in the groups for a while and really like them but if the levy doesn't pass, they will have to stop doing them. It will make a lot of people mad if they can't do what they have always done. We have to try to get the levy to pass so that we can still have our fun activities after school. What do you think is the right thing to do for this situation? Please, let me know so I can spread your ideas and opinions about the matter.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple tip #9

Here is some advice about taking big tests. You should study more in the day time then at night. Don't wait until you're tired because you won't be able to focus and probably end up falling asleep. Also turn off your TV or IPod; this will help you focus on studying what you need to study for the test. If you are able to get someone to study with, then that will more than likely help you out a lot. The night before taking a big test, go to bed early that way you get plenty of sleep. In the morning make sure you eat breakfast, this will really help you. When the day comes to take the test or quiz, don't worry about failing it. All you need to do is just take your time and have some confidence in yourself. If you do, you will have a better chance of doing well on the test.

Animal of the Week #3: Giraffe


We all love to go to the zoo, right? Well when I go there, I love to see the giraffes. They are one of my top five animals that I truly adore. They are always so calm and I love their fur. Here are some facts you may not have known about giraffes:

Interesting Facts:
- When a new born giraffe is born it can be up to 6 feet tall.
- The scientific name for a giraffe is "Camelopardalis."
- The giraffe is one of the strongest, tallest, and most peaceful animals on earth.
- A giraffe's heart is about 24 pounds and 2 inches long.
- A giraffe sleeps no longer than 5 to 30 minutes within 24 hours.

What do giraffes eat?

-Giraffes drink up to 38 liters of water a day. They do this so they can go a long time without water. - Giraffes are herbivores. They eat mainly tree leaves, twigs, fruit, and grass.
- They eat up to 65 to 75 pounds a day but they can survive on only 15 pounds a day.

Where do these creatures live?

- Giraffes only live on one continent - Africa. Although you see them at the zoo they don't come from the United States.
- They enjoy to live in grasslands and savannas.
- They really love an area with a lot of acacia trees; which is their favorite food.
So next time you go to the zoo, you have a little bit of more information on giraffes. (:
I hope you enjoy it!

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Song of the Week!

Girls, haven't we all dealt with jerks? Has a guy ever treated you so badly? This song pretty much explains that guys can't treat girls like that. That is the reason I chose this song as song of the week. Here you go girls. You are beautiful the way you are and don't let someone tell you that you aren't good enough!

Fun Sites : )

Are you looking for different sites to check out? Below, I will make a list of some sites that I find pretty entertaining or interesting to look at.  Here they are :


This is actually the site of a real magazine. In my opinion, I think it is mainly for girls. It has many things about hairstyles, make up, boys, and just girl life. Also, you can enjoy their many games and quizzes.

This is a great site for girls to ask questions about their growing body and their period, also.

Teen Girls

Blog Talk Radio

Hairstyle Ideas:

Hair Colours

Cool Girl Hairstyles

Seventeen [ Beauty Hair Ideas ]


Has many fun and interesting games that you may enjoy playing.


Addicting Games

Candy Stand

Yahoo Games

Free Online Games



Fox Sports

Yahoo Sports


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sites you might enjoy!

Here are some christian blogs you might be interested in if you like our blog:

Christian Teens

Christian dating advice

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Lecrae - A Christian Rapper

 I have been thinking of music artists that I really like and Lecrae came to mind. I feel that it is important for teens to get ahold of God. I'm hoping that these videos will help them! Here is Lecrae's story!

 Does he interest you? Listen to some of his songs and watch a few of his videos posted below. Thank you!

Poem of the Week #4 : Just Like You


Feet dangle inches above
Tantalizingly taunting …

They strive to graze the bicycle’s pedals,
Just as my hands strive to emerge
From the lemon yellow dress

You handed down to me.
My slow growth is too far behind
Your quick judgment,
Constantly comparing a hazy reflection

To that black and white photograph
You have framed in the hallway.
Maybe someday the dress will fit.

By: Kathleen E. Sewickley, PA

Like this poem? I got it here!

Poem of the Week #3: Best Friends

I can't believe how long
We have been best friends,
Through good times and bad.

When I needed someone to cry,
With me and laugh together
Give me a shoulder to lean on,
And a hug to make me feel better.

You know how true it is,
When you know that no matter what
Happens or goes on down the road,
That there will always be best friends.

So as time passes and days go by,
Just remember that when you need me
That no matter what time or place,
I will always be there by your side, my best friend.

By: Anonymous

Click here to go to the site where I got this poem!

Simple Tip #8

i never want to let you go
When you are in a relationship, it's a good thing to be nice. You need to always be nice to your girlfriend/boyfriend. If you are the boy, you should always buy the meal when you go out. That will make your girlfriend be happy. If you are the girl, you should go out and do stuff with your boyfriend, even if you don't want to. That will make the boy happier. I think it's best if you meet the boyfriend's or girlfriend's parents right away. It should make them like you more. The main idea is to just try to keep your girlfriend/boyfriend happy at all times. What do you think about relationships? What do you think is important in relationships?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tell Them Off Wednesdays! - Starting today!

school_kidsWhat's the deal with substitutes? Do you like them or would you rather your own teacher come to school? Today, I had a substitute teacher and I had them for two different classes. Normally, I like substitutes but today has been an exception. I think that sometimes substitutes can be mean. I hate how they can say things to you and you just want so badly to yell at them and tell them off but you can't. I am used to doing things the same way, not their way. I find some of the things that they do quite rude and rash. Maybe it's just teachers in general that you may not like? What would the world be like if we could just tell a teacher off whenever we felt like it? I never really feel like that except for today. I really wish today was a day where you could tell the teachers off because well, that'd be really nice right now. I officially declare all Wednesdays Tell Them Off Wednesdays! It only applies to our blog though. If you really want to say something to a teacher or person, post it on here and tell us about it. We would love to hear about it! No bad words! Please, keep it


Looks nice right? This is what they want you to think and believe!

dirty harry

This is what they really are! They aren't as nice as they appear, are they?

Simple Tip #7


If you have a loud voice, you might as well forget about talking quiet. Boys' voices travels far when you try to talk quiet. You have a better chance of just not talking if you don't want to be heard. I get into trouble all the time when I do talk. Do you? Comment back because I would like to hear about it if you do.

Facebook or Myspace?

Facebook or Myspace? Both of these social networks are very handy when it comes to communicating with family or friends.

In my opinion, Facebook is much better then Myspace if you like to play games and keep up to date with your family or friends. Myspace is alright if you like to be creative and you have a little more time on your hands. Here is some information about both Facebook and Myspace if you are into creating an account:


You can chat with peers who are online anytime! Many people use Facebook for the games & to see what is going on with people in their day to day life. A lot of adult and teens get addicted to games on Facebook like Farmville, Cafe world, and Farmtown. You can now buy money cards at your local Wal-mart or Krogers that you can use on Farmville! Another good thing that parents really like about Facebook is that Facebook has a very good protection system, which will keep what you want private always private. On Facebook you can comment on people's pictures, status, and relationship status. In 2007 Facebook had more than 21 million members generating 1.6 billion page views a day!


Myspace was one of the very sites I got when I was 13. I love how on Myspace you can design your background the way you want it. (That’s one thing about Facebook that I don't like) On Myspace there is also videos and games. A lot of kids these days have found Facebook and have forgotten all about Myspace. Yes, I am at fault for that but I do check my Myspace every once in a while. The one thing I really liked about Myspace was that you could have music on your page; even a whole playlist of songs. Just like Facebook, on Myspace you can have personal private settings and chat with peers online.

I got my information for this site:


So you tell me Facebook or Myspace? (:

What is it? #2

What is this a picture of?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Simple Tip #6

Kids that are in high school go to a dance, called Homecoming. It's a fun thing to do but some kids seem to take the dance too far. Kids start having fun and they possibly start to drink. They know it's bad for them to drink but they do it anyhow. Therefore, kids need to find a way to say no to drinking. It will just get you into trouble if you do drink. Say no to drinking after Homecoming or any other time.

You're beautiful on the inside

Many girls now a day have a huge self-esteem problem, and yes I am one of them. We think we are ugly? And fat? Or even to skinny? Yeah, I have been there many times, but then again what girl hasn't been there before? About 75% of teenage girls felt depressed, guilty, and shameful after spending just three minutes leafing through a fashion magazine. That's crazy right? Well I have some tips from my own experience with this that could help you. Here are the tips:

Talk to your friends and parents about it:
Yes, I know this may seem to be the answer to a lot of problems, but believe me it truly does help! You probably think that your parents will always tell you that you are pretty just because they are your parent’s - right? Don't think that; honestly don't. If your friends or parents tell you that you’re perfect just the way you are then believe them and build from that. (:

Change in behavior and attitude:
Try to overcome this feeling with being positive with yourself and others. Have a good attitude about everything you do and say. Be grateful for everything and try your best at everything you do. If you fail, just tell yourself that you will know better next time and will try your best to succeed at whatever you are doing.

Remember it's not always about the looks:
Beauty is not only on the outside. Your personality plays a big part on your beauty. My mom says "You can be the prettiest girl, but your personality can make you ugly." I totally agree with her. Many celebrities may have the pretty face, but the personality just isn't good so many people end up not liking them. Just look at the high divorce rate among movie stars. You might thing to yourself "She is so pretty, why would he dump her?" Well, maybe she was not a nice person and very hard to get along with. Again, you could be the most beautiful person in the world, but if you cannot get along with others than you are no good to anyone.
I got my information for this site:

Animal of the Week: Seal

Interesting facts:
Seals are very cute animals. The cool thing about them is that they are mammals, but they only live important parts of life on land and the rest of the time in the water. The seal is related to the walrus and sea lions, but seals can't walk on they're flipper on land like sea lions can.
Where do they live?
Most seals live around Antarctica and the Arctic Circle. Seals live in places where humans have a hard time reaching them, such as Antarctica. Seals can also live in oceans and freshwater lakes.
What do they eat?
Seals are meat eaters. The prey they like to eat is mainly fish, like flounder and salmon. They usually tear their food up into chunks and swallow the chunks without chewing. The large leopard seals prey on emperor and king penguins. They just wait for the penguin to dive into the water, and then they get a good grip on them and shake them to death.

There are about 5 different types of seals that live around Antarctica:
Fur seals - The fur seals are the smallest of all the seals, weighing up to 100 kilograms on average and about 3 to 4 feet long. These seals usually are in packs of two or three usually playing or swimming together.
Elephant seals - Male seals can weigh up to 1000 kilograms and often over 12 feet long. They are said to be not the best looking animal.
leopard-seal1Leopard seals - Mainly the top predators in whatever area they are in. They can weigh up to 370 and many have been found to be over 12 feet long. They travel alone a lot, although people have seen them travel in pairs.
Crabeater and Weddell seals - These two types of seals are not really common in Antarctica, but have been spotted rarely. They usually eat krill, but have been said to eat salmon. They spend a good amount of time on ice bergs and ice floats.
This is where I got my information:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Quote of the Week #2

[ There is two quotes of the week this week. ]

rearview mirror Pictures, Images and Photos

- If we're always looking in the rearview mirror, it's hard to keep our eyes on the road ahead.


- She smashed the rearview mirror because starting today, she is never looking back.

I got these quotes from here.

To Save A Life.

A couple months ago I went to the movies with my youth group, we saw a movie that changed the way I thought about my life. "To Save a Life" a very inspiration story that happens in many high schools around the world. I would recommend seeing this movie to most teens and several parents. This movie made me realize many things that shouldn't be going on in high school, especially when you are still just a kid. "To Save a Life" has everything from teens partying to the death of one child in their high school. Trying to make a change in a high school can be very difficult; the group you were with can often exclude you. All you have to do is be brave and stand up for yourself and others. (:
Here is the movie trailer if you would like to look more into the movie :

Here is the link to the offical movie site :

Fire Drills

When you were in school do you remember fire drills? Well we just had one and it was boring. I under stand that they are safe to have them, but they need to be at the end of the day. I would like them a lot better if we could just go home after they are over. What do you remember about having fire drills when you were in school? I would like to here about them so comment back.