Have you ever got a mean message on
Facebook, or
Twitter from someone that you were in a fight with or they just didn't like you? Technology is very useful tool if you use it for good reasons. Many schools have blocked all Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Tumblr, and a lot of other social networks. Many teens use texting and other social networks to gossip and even harass somebody. My opinion in this matter is if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all. Yes, I am at fault for some cyber-bullying and it was even taken to the principle of my high school. The girl was in a grade below me, it was a BIG misunderstanding. Though I have to admit I was really scared that day when they called me down to the office to go and talk to the principle about what was said over Facebook. The girl and I talked everything out, and we are now good friends. When you get mean messages or text you just need to ignore it because you replying back to them just fuels the fire even more. They are trying to get you to react to the stuff they are saying so they can have a good laugh about it. Be the bigger person and don't let them take the smile off of your face.
Here are some links to true life stories where teens have committed suicide because of cyberbullying:
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