About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )

UTS is a site that was made by three people, Morgan, Austin, and Andrea for mainly teens. Our goal is to connect with teens like ourselves. We would love to hear your thoughts and tips on how to make our site better. Don't be afraid to communicate with us :] There are interesting questions, facts, polls, information on how to cook a few things, advice on anything, and a lot more fun things! We have a special activity for each day! If you would like information on those activites, look under Activities of the Day on the right column.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cool New Things

There are two cool things that my teacher has introduced to me. One of them is called Wordle. I think it is pretty interesting because you can put a lot of words together and the wordle program will put them into a word collage. Here is an example that I made:

Wordle: Teen Life

Click here to try it for yourself.


The second thing that my teacher introduced to me is Ta-da Lists. What I like about this site is that it allows you to make checklists. You can also share your checklists with people.

Click here to view my checklist as an example.

If you would like to create one, click here.

Texting While Driving

avoid textingIt’s a bad habit to text and drive. Have you ever thought of the consequences of texting and driving at the same time? You can have a crash and in some states they will give you a ticket if they catch you texting while driving. If you didn't have to take your eyes off the road to text while you’re driving, then texting and driving wouldn't be a bad thing. The truth is, you have to take your eyes off the road and doing that can get you killed someday. Just looking at something on the side of the road or even a sign can get you killed. So, what do you think texting can do? Talking on the phone can distract you and make you think about something else other than driving. Anything to do with a cell phone is a bad thing to use in your car. If you wanted to be really safe, you could just shut it off and put it in your pocket for when you get an important phone call. Most people just think they can handle texting and driving at the same time, but usually those are the people that we read about in the newspaper for having a wreck. I try to keep mine in my pocket when I drive. What do you do with your cell phone while driving? Let me know if you text and drive because I would hate to read about you in the newspaper.

Animal of the Week #4: Frogs!

Many people are scared to pick up a frog or even go near it. The truth is most frogs are completely harmless. They can't hurt you because they have no teeth. The only scary thing they might do is jump on your head, which would be very funny! Frogs are a part of the zoological class called Amphibian. Some may ask, what is the difference between a frog and a toad? The way you can tell the difference between the two is that frogs tend to lay eggs in clusters, and they have two bulging eyes. Toads have warty and dry skin, and they lay eggs in long chains.

You can find frogs mostly anywhere except Antarctica and every environment except the ocean. Mainly is all depends on what type of frog you are looking for. Most of the time, you will find frogs in any civilized area except poisonous frogs (you won't find them anywhere people are.)

Frogs can live 4 to 15 years, now that’s crazy stuff. Frogs mainly feed on flies, worms, and snails. Doesn't that sound yummy? Frogs can't chew on their food so they have to shallow it whole! What if we had to swallow our food whole? I honestly don't think I could swallow a whole hamburger without chewing. Frogs are very interesting creatures they can jump anywhere they want. We can't do that, but frogs can and that’s what I find so cool about them.

What do you think about frogs?

Sources: http://allaboutfrogs.org/weird/weird.html