The flightless ostrich is the worlds largest bird. They are mainly found in the desert lands and savanna of Africa. They can sprint up to 43 an hour and can run 31 miles an hour. An ostrich's long legs can cover up to 10 to 16 feet in a single stride. An ostrich's kick will kill a human or a predator like a lion. Ostriches usually live in small herds, less then a dozen. The Alpha male maintain these herds, and mate with the group's dominant hen. Ostriches typically eat plants, roots, and seeds. As some of you might believe that ostriches stick there heads in sand, the truth is that they really don't.
There are two different types of ostriches in Africa, the pink-necked and the blue-necked bird. The blue-necked race is found in southwestern Africa where the populations are very fragmented. The pink-neck ostrich is found in the Eastern Plains of Africa.
Some fun facts about ostriches :
- They only have two toes.
- An ostrich egg weighs about 3 pounds.
- An ostrich's eye is almost two inches across, largest of any land animal.
- They have 3 eyelids.
I got my facts from here:
Fun facts about OstrichesAll about Ostriches