On the Hitler's birthday, April 20, 1999, two students decided to take the life of 13 others and their own lives in Columbine High school in Columbine, Colorado. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were two seniors that were bullied all throughout high school. Students that were killed: Rachel Scott - 17, Richard Castaldo - 17, Daniel Rohrbough - 15, Lance Kirklin - 16, Michael Johnson - 15, Mark Taylor - 16, Anne-Marie Hochhatler - 17, Brian Anderson - 16, Patti Neilson - 35, Stephaine Munson - 16, and Dave Sander - 47 (the only teacher killed in the shooting.)
"I won't be labeled as average." - Rachel Joy Scott.
Rachel Scott was the first one killed in the Columbine shooting, she was having lunch with her friends when they came out and put 2 bullets through her shoulder. Rachel wanted to make an impact of the world that she was living in. I know this many sound weird and crazy, but Rachel knew she was going to die young. She use to say to her friends and family "I am going to die young, I just know it." She wrote an essay 2 weeks before she died the title was "My Ethics, Codes of Life," this essay was written about compassion and kindness to people can make a huge impact of the world.
They found this picture on the back of her dresser months and months after her death.

Its Rachel's hands saying "These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of people's hearts."
A true, but crazy story is a couple months after Rachel's death

this man from Ohio called Rachel's dad and told him that he had a dream about girls eyes with tears in them falling to the ground. The tears made something grow from the ground as if a new life was beginning. The man asked the dad if this meant anything to him, the dad said no. Rachel's dad took down his name and number if something did come up. About a week later he went to go pick up Rachel's backpack from the police office after investigations. He flipped to the last thing that Rachel wrote and it was eyes. Two girl’s eyes with 13 clear drops, falling to the grounded and beginning a new life of a flower.
This is crazy right? I think that the massacre of Columbine was a lifetime event. Rachel's funeral was aired live on national TV, over a million people tuned in and watches her funeral. Those 13 students and one teacher that had their life taken that day were completely innocent. I hope we can I learn from Rachel's movement, I know I sure am. What do you think?
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