What's the deal with substitutes? Do you like them or would you rather your own teacher come to school? Today, I had a substitute teacher and I had them for two different classes. Normally, I like substitutes but today has been an exception. I think that sometimes substitutes can be mean. I hate how they can say things to you and you just want so badly to yell at them and tell them off but you can't. I am used to doing things the same way, not their way. I find some of the things that they do quite rude and rash. Maybe it's just teachers in general that you may not like? What would the world be like if we could just tell a teacher off whenever we felt like it? I never really feel like that except for today. I really wish today was a day where you could tell the teachers off because well, that'd be really nice right now. I officially declare all Wednesdays Tell Them Off Wednesdays! It only applies to our blog though. If you really want to say something to a teacher or person, post it on here and tell us about it. We would love to hear about it! No bad words! Please, keep it
This is what they really are! They aren't as nice as they appear, are they?
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