About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )

UTS is a site that was made by three people, Morgan, Austin, and Andrea for mainly teens. Our goal is to connect with teens like ourselves. We would love to hear your thoughts and tips on how to make our site better. Don't be afraid to communicate with us :] There are interesting questions, facts, polls, information on how to cook a few things, advice on anything, and a lot more fun things! We have a special activity for each day! If you would like information on those activites, look under Activities of the Day on the right column.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quote of the Week #6

Mark TwainEverybody has their dreams and they don't want to be made fun of for that. The real people that love you and want you to succeed will push you to your greatest so you can become someone you have always wanted to be. (: Real friends won't make you feel little and make you feel like you can't do anything. Real friends would compliment you and tell you that you can do anything you put your mind to. Hang around people that will make you feel good about being you. People that want you to change for them because you don't fit in are just wrong, and the truth is they will probably never accept you for who you truly are. So find friends that really love and don't care if you act crazy in public because they would probably join you. I have a few of those friends. (: