About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )

UTS is a site that was made by three people, Morgan, Austin, and Andrea for mainly teens. Our goal is to connect with teens like ourselves. We would love to hear your thoughts and tips on how to make our site better. Don't be afraid to communicate with us :] There are interesting questions, facts, polls, information on how to cook a few things, advice on anything, and a lot more fun things! We have a special activity for each day! If you would like information on those activites, look under Activities of the Day on the right column.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Animal of the Week : Ostrich

PhotobucketThe flightless ostrich is the worlds largest bird. They are mainly found in the desert lands and savanna of Africa. They can sprint up to 43 an hour and can run 31 miles an hour. An ostrich's long legs can cover up to 10 to 16 feet in a single stride. An ostrich's kick will kill a human or a predator like a lion. Ostriches usually live in small herds, less then a dozen. The Alpha male maintain these herds, and mate with the group's dominant hen. Ostriches typically eat plants, roots, and seeds. As some of you might believe that ostriches stick there heads in sand, the truth is that they really don't.

There are two different types of ostriches in Africa, the pink-necked and the blue-necked bird. The blue-necked race is found in southwestern Africa where the populations are very fragmented. The pink-neck ostrich is found in the Eastern Plains of Africa.

Some fun facts about ostriches :

- They only have two toes.
- An ostrich egg weighs about 3 pounds.
- An ostrich's eye is almost two inches across, largest of any land animal.
- They have 3 eyelids.

I got my facts from here:
Fun facts about Ostriches
All about Ostriches

Like or dislike school?

Why do boys and girls like or dislike school? Well if they don’t want to be there, they will not like it. If they want to be doing something else, then they will be thinking about that and not what they are doing in school. Some kids just try to get through the day fast and if they really did a good job, then they would like it a little bit better. So what do you think about school? How do you act during the day? Do you like school or do you just wish you were done and over with it? I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this.

Simple Tip #1

I was thinking this morning when I was getting ready for school. I thought of a good idea for teenage boys or girls that are in a relationship. Each week I'm going to come up with one or two simple tips that may or may not help you. Some of the tips may not even be about relationships though. I call them simple tips because I might not always explain the reasoning to the tip. Yes, I am a teenage girl but I don't always know why I or any other girl does the things we do. Here is simple tip #1 :

When a girl hangs up, it is usually a good idea to call back.

( Don't ask why, just try it! )

2008 Outlaw Four-Wheeler

I have been doing some research on quads. I found the fastest stock quad you can buy off the show room floor. It is the 2008 Polaris Outlaw 525. It has the best acceleration and top speed. The outlaw is built for racing and for riding sand dunes. This is the hardest quad to break out on the market right now. Most people like this quad because it has reverse and independent rear suspension. That means that each wheel can do its own thing. Well that’s just some things about the Polaris Outlaw 525. If you have any questions, just leave a comment and I will answer them.