I was thinking of a new blog post and the title "How Do You Cheat A Cheater?" popped into my head. I'm not exactly sure what I will write about so let's see where we end up. In my whole dating life, I haven't exactly been cheated on except once. I have had boyfriends of mine talk to other girls about how they like them or would like to hook up with them. What I hate the most about it all is that I had to hear it from a lot of different girls and not my boyfriend. One time, someone was trying to help me while I was crying and they asked me, "how does all of this make you feel Annie?". At the moment, I kind of felt numb. I didn't know what to say to them because I was between the states of disbelief and confusion. Have you ever been in a situation where your boyfriend or girlfriend has cheated on you? How did you find out? I just want you to know that it is never right for someone to cheat on you. Even if they claim you are a bad boyfriend or girlfriend, it still doesn't make it right for them to cheat on you. I understand that some cheating cases are worse than others based on the severity of what the person did when they cheated. Do you know anyone that has been cheated on? Maybe you have seen a movie on television where someone was being cheated on. I want you to put yourself in their postition and answer the question my friend asked me. Also, I do believe it is wrong if you date, kiss, flirt, or anything along those lines and above with someone that is dating someone already. If they are with someone, they have an invisble sign on them that says "hands off".
About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )
UTS is a site that was made by three people, Morgan, Austin, and Andrea for mainly teens. Our goal is to connect with teens like ourselves. We would love to hear your thoughts and tips on how to make our site better. Don't be afraid to communicate with us :] There are interesting questions, facts, polls, information on how to cook a few things, advice on anything, and a lot more fun things! We have a special activity for each day! If you would like information on those activites, look under Activities of the Day on the right column.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Simple Tip #4
So never go up to a girl when you know you did something wrong. It will just turn out bad. I did it one time and got kicked and smacked right were it hurts. So just don't do it.
Poem of the Week #1 : Growing Up
when you are young.
When kisses heal boo-boos
and lullabies are sung.
It seemed that life could go on for years,
as long as the nightlight was there
to quiet our fears.
Why does growing uphave to be so hard?
When did the world become
bigger than our own back yard?
There is no more recess
to stop the stress of the school day.
There are no more falling stars
that can take our worries away.
Decisions are more complicated
now that we are grown,
why cant we go back
to when life was our own?
By: Anonymous
Click here to view the site I got it from!
Poem of the Week #2 : Teen Years
Everyone tells you,
they're the best years of your life.
The thing they don't tell you,
is they are all full of strife.
From a child to a teen,
in less then a year.
It's a lot to deal with,
you have to grow up fast.
As a child you're free,
as a teen you feel locked up.
A child has no worries,
A teen has a lot.
You learn the meaning of love,
you discover broken hearts.
The worries of being accepted,
are the hardest part of all.
What's the "best"
about these years.
When as a teen,
you live in fear.
By: Tammy Walton
Poems about teens
they're the best years of your life.
The thing they don't tell you,
is they are all full of strife.
From a child to a teen,
in less then a year.
It's a lot to deal with,
you have to grow up fast.
As a child you're free,
as a teen you feel locked up.
A child has no worries,
A teen has a lot.
You learn the meaning of love,
you discover broken hearts.
The worries of being accepted,
are the hardest part of all.
What's the "best"
about these years.
When as a teen,
you live in fear.
By: Tammy Walton
Poems about teens
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Simple Tip #3 : What Not To Do
When you know a girl is stressed or angry, give her some space. Don't keep trying to talk to her when she is trying to show you that she doesn't want to talk. Don't annoy her, argue with her, or make her think of things that make her stress out unless you want an ear full of bad words.
Ugly Day Blues
I'm sure we all have had our fair share of bad days. I like to call them ugly days because on my bad days, I get mean. Today was my birthday, as many of you may know, and it was just completely horrible. There are too many assignments I have to get done and my parents just haven't seemed to care much. They keep saying I can do it later when I have two more projects to get done, homework, a quiz to study for, and three essay questions to do so I can get a good grade on one of my tests. I also have a lot of out of school things that I have to get ready for and plan while trying to work on this blog. I try to make sure everything is kept up on it. How do you deal with bad days? When everyone seems to be getting on your nerves? How about when you have so much to do in so little time? I wish I had some good advice right now because I'm completely stressed.
Dislikes about the internet.
Why do all the things on the internet always have other things on the page with them? I can’t stand when I go to look something up and it always has a lot of stuff on it from other websites and advertisements on the side of the page. I don’t even like to use the internet because of the junk on it. I always get annoyed or frustrated with it. What do you think about all the stuff on the pages? Do you think websites shouldn’t have stuff like that? So comment back and let me know.
Simple Tip #2
Don't tell a girl that she won't find anyone better than you because then you just gave her motivation to find someone better.
You don't want to wake up and find that she has proven you wrong.
Now that's not good... for you.
"This is your one life and your one body - make it right."
So what about those drugs and alcohol floating around the world? Sometimes, it feels like everywhere I turn people are talking about them or I see alcohol or drug stories in magazines, newspapers, on television and other places. Have you ever tried a drug or drank alcohol? If so, how was the experience for you? Do you know any friends that drink or do drugs? How does this affect you? If you are a teen, then you are young and have your whole life ahead of you. Doing these types of things can really mess up your future. These things can cause death to you and/or people around you! How would you feel if your best friend got high and was in a car accident? What if they didn't get to see another second of life because they were laying on the ground dead? What if it was reversed and you were drinking and driving and you ran over someone or ran into another car and killed them? What if you lived and the person that you ended up killing were your parents, boyfriend/girlfriend, or friend? I know you have probably heard all of this before. Think about what all of the drugs and/or alcohol is doing to your insides. In my opinion, it's best to just be strong and say no.
If you want information on drugs / alcohol or tips on preventing the use of them, then click the following sites :
Dare - a program that deals with drug abuse.
Happy Birthday Andrea!
Today is Andrea's birthday! (: She turns 16! This whole year of being 16 is exciting! Driver lisences, can get a job, & many other activites! She is my best friend, she was my first friend at my school in 4th grade. She was the only one to came up to me and showed me that she actually had some interst in being my friend. We have been friends for over 7 years of course, we have had our ups and downs, but we always got through it! She is always here for me when I need a talk and I thank her so much for that. So happy birthday to my bestest friend! (:
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Animal of the Week : Ostrich
There are two different types of ostriches in Africa, the pink-necked and the blue-necked bird. The blue-necked race is found in southwestern Africa where the populations are very fragmented. The pink-neck ostrich is found in the Eastern Plains of Africa.
Some fun facts about ostriches :
- They only have two toes.
- An ostrich egg weighs about 3 pounds.
- An ostrich's eye is almost two inches across, largest of any land animal.
- They have 3 eyelids.
I got my facts from here:
Fun facts about Ostriches
All about Ostriches
Like or dislike school?
Why do boys and girls like or dislike school? Well if they don’t want to be there, they will not like it. If they want to be doing something else, then they will be thinking about that and not what they are doing in school. Some kids just try to get through the day fast and if they really did a good job, then they would like it a little bit better. So what do you think about school? How do you act during the day? Do you like school or do you just wish you were done and over with it? I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this.
Simple Tip #1
I was thinking this morning when I was getting ready for school. I thought of a good idea for teenage boys or girls that are in a relationship. Each week I'm going to come up with one or two simple tips that may or may not help you. Some of the tips may not even be about relationships though. I call them simple tips because I might not always explain the reasoning to the tip. Yes, I am a teenage girl but I don't always know why I or any other girl does the things we do. Here is simple tip #1 :
When a girl hangs up, it is usually a good idea to call back.
( Don't ask why, just try it! )
2008 Outlaw Four-Wheeler
I have been doing some research on quads. I found the fastest stock quad you can buy off the show room floor. It is the 2008 Polaris Outlaw 525. It has the best acceleration and top speed. The outlaw is built for racing and for riding sand dunes. This is the hardest quad to break out on the market right now. Most people like this quad because it has reverse and independent rear suspension. That means that each wheel can do its own thing. Well that’s just some things about the Polaris Outlaw 525. If you have any questions, just leave a comment and I will answer them.
Monday, September 27, 2010
"God first, family second, friends third & yourself last."
1. God should always come first in your life. In everything you do you should always have him in mind. God is the one that blessed us to be on this earth, he is the one that heals us when we are sick. Yes, you may think no doctors do that. Well yes, but God was the one that made the people to study and learn medicine to help you get better.
3. Friends. They are the ones that cheer you up when you are sad, the ones that always think of you on your birthday! We can all admit it that we couldn't go through our day without our friends. Just remember: You can only trust a few people though like 1 or 2. Also your friends in high school may not be your friends when your out of high school. Many people go there separate ways and have to go make a life for themselves. Although if you try hard enough to keep in touch with a couple of your friends from high school, that would be great!
4. Always yourself last. With everything you do always put yourself last. Say you have a project due in three days and your friend has one due the next day, she asks for your help. What do you do? You go and help her! (: Another example is If you have lunch money, but one of your friends or peers don't. Do a good deed and help them out, maybe buy both of you a snack until you get home to eat. Just be an unselfish person (:
& that is what I live by! Enjoyyy.
-Morgiee. <3>
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Quote of the Week
"Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
When I was searching for a quote to put on here, this one really caught my eye. Lately, my life has been quite challenging to me. Has your life ever seemed like a big challenge to you? Have you ever felt like things have changed and they would never go back to normal? I have felt this many times. As a Christian, I know that us humans will be put through tests. I was watching Joel Osteen with my grandmother yesterday morning when he made a great example and comparison. He compared God to a teacher that would give you a test like on a Friday or any other day. All week teachers prepare for your test on Friday. They give you class time to ask all your questions and to study. They even stay after school so that they can give you extra help to equip you with all the tools you need for your preparation of the test you will have. During the test, the teacher seems to be muted in a way. They stand there in the front or the back of the classroom and watch you or sit at their desks and wait for you to be done with the test. When you are going through tests, it may seem like God is far away or just isn't going to help you. When you feel this way, just think of this comparison. God will never give you a test that you aren't prepared for, no matter what you think or how you feel. He spent all those days preparing you for the test which is to be given to you or has already been given to you. I don't know about you, but I sure love God!
There are many places to find this quote but I got it from : Think Exist
What is the Meaning of Relationships?
In my opinion, relationships are very important to maintain. It takes effort from every person to have a healthy relationship. Have you ever yelled at someone you care about just because you are stressed or are just in a bad mood? Have you ever told someone you love something that you absolutely regret? Sometimes it is hard to hold in our emotions whether they are sad, angry or frustrated emotions. Every decision you make has a consequence. Try thinking about what you are thinking about. What does this mean, you ask? This means to simply think about what you are already thinking about saying or doing. Here is an example that I hope helps you to better understand what I am talking about :
I am here telling you this story today because it is important for you to take your time to think out everything. If you love someone or care about someone, then you obviously don't want to hurt them. If you truly do care about them or love them, then you will take that extra time to analyze your thoughts so that you don't make the mistake of doing or saying that you will seriously regret. I hope that this post helped you today to realize a few things. Please, if you have any comments on this, then post one on here and I will get back to you.
- Andrea *
Friday, September 24, 2010
Drama? No, Thank You...
So how about that drama? We all know about it and probably all of us have been through it. Isn't it just terrible? Girls have the most drama but boys still have their fair share. I like to think of people that cause drama as Green Eyed Lobsters. That is a silly name to call them, right? It just helps me to laugh and be happy instead of being sad and upset. What do you do when drama comes your way? Do you coward and run or do you hit it all head on? It's true that you can't just run away from your problems and them all disappear. I'm sure I speak for a majority of people when I say that we wish it could actually be that way. Here are some tips that I hope help you with people seeking trouble and drama :
1. Try to ignore it. ( I know many people have probably told you this already. ) Sometimes, if you don't say anything back and just keep smiling, they will leave you alone.
2. Do something to keep you focused and to keep your mind off of things. Try to read a book, write, or maybe even draw.
3. Just keep calm and stay nice. Kill them with your kindness : ) This may cause them to get even angrier for a while because they aren't getting the reaction from you that they wanted but don't let that get you down. Eventually, they will more than likely leave you alone.
4. Try your best to stay away from them and avoid them. If you know they will be at a certain place at a certain time, then try to avoid running into them. Stay around your parents or any other authority. If you have a class with them and maybe even have a seat next to them, then fill the teacher in with your situation so that they can be aware. You might even be able to talk to your guidance office about changing classes if it really bothers you.
5. Tell your parents, your principal or any other trusted adult. Sometimes things don't always work out the way we want them to but they surely will do the best of their abilities to make the situation easier!
- Andrea
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I think every teenager needs to have a quad. They are so much fun to ride. I have one of my own. All you need to do is have some land with a lot of hills and one or two jumps. What do you guys think about quads and riding them? If you leave a comment, I will answer any questions you may have about quads.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Facts about Teens (:
Here are many statics that could be intersting to you, things about dating violence, teenagers driving drunk, & teenage pregnancy.
Dating violence according to the NCDSV: • 20 percent of teens have been threatened by their partners, or had partners threaten to hurt themselves if the relationship ended.
• 33 percent of teens, and 50 percent of teen girls, say they have felt pressured to have sex in a serious relationship.
• 30 percent have worried about their safety in a relationship, and 20 percent have been hit, slapped, or pushed.
• 64 percent have been with a jealous or controlling partner.
• 55 percent have compromised their standards to keep their partner.
• 25 percent have been put down or called names by their partner.
Teenage driving drunk statics:
• According to the CDC in 2004, 4,767 teenagers died from fatal car crash injuries.
• From the same report, almost four-hundred thousand other teenagers required medical attention from their injuries sustained in a car collision.
• Teenage drivers are four times more likely to experience a motor vehicle collision than their older driving counterparts are notes the CDC.
• Forty percent of deaths for persons aged 15 to 20 stem from automobile collisions according to the CDC.
• The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes twenty-three percent of teenage drivers in fatal car wrecks possessed a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit of .08.
Teenage Pregnancy Statics:
• Each year, almost 750,000 women aged 15–19 become pregnant. Overall, 71.5 pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–19 occurred in 2006; the rate declined 41% from its peak in 1990 to a low of 69.5 in 2005.
• Black and Hispanic women have the highest teen pregnancy rates (126 and 127 per 1,000 women aged 15–19, respectively); non-Hispanic whites have the lowest rate (44 per 1,000.)
• Eighty-two percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned
• In 2006, there were 42 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19.
Sites used :
Troubled Teen 101
Accident Attorneys
A Simple Way To Make Puppy Chow
1 stick of butter ( 8 oz. )
1 cup of chocolate chips
1 cup of peanut butter1 cup of chocolate chips
powdered sugar
9 cups of crispix cereal

1. Take the stick of butter, cup of chocolate chips, and cup of peanut and put it in a bowl all together. Melt in microwave for 30 seconds. ( If chunky or not melted enough, put back in for about 15 seconds more. ) Then mix it up.
2. Pour the melted contents onto the 9 cups of crispix cereal and stir so that the entire amount of crispix cereal is covered with the mixture. ( This may be a little difficult and it may take a little while to do so. )
3. Once this is done, put the coated cereal into baggies ( like ziploc ). Then, put a good amount of powdered sugar into the bags and shake until the powder has coated over the brown spots on the cereal.
After these steps are done, put all the puppy chow into a bowl and enjoy!
Monday, September 20, 2010
How To Make Oreo Truffles
Posted by
- Andrea*
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ingredients :
1 pkg. Oreo Cookies ( about 1 lb. 2 oz. )
1 pkg Cream Cheese ( 8 oz. )
2 pkgs Baker's Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate ( 8 squares each )
Procedure :
1. Crush the oreo cookies up so that they are fine.
2. Mix the crushed up oreo cookies in a bowl with the cream cheese. ( We found that mixing it with your clean hands was the best way to do this. )
3. After you do this, make walnut sized balls from the mixed cream cheese and crushed oreo cookies and place on a pan covered with wax paper.
4. After you are done with step 3, place in the refrigerator for about an hour.
5. Melt the Baker's Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate and then dip the walnut sized balls into it.
6. Neatly place back onto the pan with wax paper and then place back into the refrigerator for about another hour.
Then you have your oreo truffles!
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