Have you ever been picked on? Has anyone ever been mean to you? We all have those people in our life that just love to drag us down and make our day no good anymore. They might not even know us that well but, they are quick to judge on everything and everyone. Let me ask you something else, have you ever been mean to someone? Hurt their feelings for no reason? Now I know that nobody that is innocent about that one. Why do we treat others poorly right after you get treated the same way? Think about it. It's not right and maybe some of us don't even see when we are being jerks, but we really shouldn't treat a person poorly. I know friendships take a lot of effort of kindness, trust, and honesty. Relationships also take the same as friendships, they take time. Treating each other bad in a relationship is just going to fail. You both need to treat each other with the up most respect. Either that or you will lose the person that you love or one of your best friends. Friends don't want to be treated like dirt or lied to. Lying, stealing, or hiding things are bad ways to treat friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend. Like in the quote of the week a couple weeks ago "Be good to people, it leaves a wonderful legacy." There is this awesome song by Taylor Swift that explains mean people for you.
Here is the video:
Here is the video:
Are you wondering I would like to stop being mean to people, but I really don't know how to...?
Here are some tips on how to stop being mean to people :
1. Find the source of your anger. Go and look what you get mad about, what makes you tick.
2. Turn an insult or mean comment into something good. I know this may sound weird, but turn that bad comment into a nice compliment. Like if you say "You are so annoying" try, "You are so confident in yourself all the time, it's great." It's that easy.

4. Consider the reason why you don't like someone. Could it be possible be that they are a lot like you, and the things you don't like are the things you do too?
5. Lend a hand. Help someone out that dropped papers or is having a bad day. Show them the new you and that you can be nice.
*If you are still having a hard time with this, surrond around people that will help you about your problem.
*If you are still having a hard time with this, surrond around people that will help you about your problem.
Let me know if you take this advice or like this post, comment below please. (:
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