Thanksgiving is a holiday where you give thanks to everything you have in your life. (: It's one of my favorite holidays because we get to eat a lot and we get off school for more than a week, that's always good. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is truly the most exciting thing I look forward to on Thanksgiving. It always gets me ready for the big day ahead of me and it's a truly amazing event that is held in New York each year. Every thanksgiving is held at my house. My aunt and uncle travel 150 miles to celebrate this holiday with us each year. While the boys are out deer hunting, my mom, sister, and I cook the food. We always watch whatever football game that is on and just have a lot of fun. We have a bunch of food at the table each year like turkey,
potatoes, apple pie, vanilla pudding, and corn cake. The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday. Black Friday is an all day event starting at 4 am in the morning or early and people go into stores with HUGE deals to get a lot of their Christmas shopping done for their family. I have never gotten to go in the past with my mom, but now that I have a job and can buy presents I get to go this year and I am super excited! The main reason why I love Thanksgiving is because you just get to cherish everything you have in your life. Everyone should be thankful for whatever they have in their life. Nobody should take for granted the people or things that they have in their life. Give thanks this Thanksgiving by saying thank you to your mom when she cooks the food or thank you to your dad when he is putting up the Christmas lights. A thank you can go a long way, it honestly makes someone’s day. So what are you going to give thanks to this Thanksgiving? What do you think about Thanksgiving? What are some of your family’s traditions? I would love to hear them. Thanks. (:

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