About Unfabulous Teen Secrets : )
UTS is a site that was made by three people, Morgan, Austin, and Andrea for mainly teens. Our goal is to connect with teens like ourselves. We would love to hear your thoughts and tips on how to make our site better. Don't be afraid to communicate with us :] There are interesting questions, facts, polls, information on how to cook a few things, advice on anything, and a lot more fun things! We have a special activity for each day! If you would like information on those activites, look under Activities of the Day on the right column.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Columbine High School Massacre Powerpoint
Massacre of columbine high school
View more presentations from morgie14.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The beginning of the ending to cruelty...
Hello readers! Today, I will be posting my last blog post, which is this one. I want to say thank you for reading my posts and looking at this blog. I hope it has interested you and helped you in some ways. Blogging has been a great experience for me. I am definitely going to miss it.
There is an important topic that I want to discuss today. It is real, disturbing, and sad. It's happening in places all over the world. It could be happening to you, your friend, or even a family member. The topic I am speaking of is child abuse. Below, there is a poem dealing with child abuse. Please, read it.
Evening Storm
by : Eyden of the Leprechauns
As tears ran down her face
Rain pounded down on the ground
Her heart pounded in her ears
As the thunder clashed
Fear rushed in her veins
As her father rushed her
She felt pain throb
As glass peirced her skin
No one came to help
As her father came to her
For no one cared enough
To stop the Evening Storm
( It should be the very last one. )
My thoughts and opinions about child abuse:
I think child abuse is just terrible. It is something that hits me hard. I know a girl that was abused and neglected. I have seen what it has done to her. Child abuse not only hurts physically, but it also hurts you tremendously emotionally. I think that no child, no matter what they do or how they act, deserves to get hit and abused. Because of the things I have witnessed from my friend, I really would love to work with abused children when I grow up. Child abuse is never right. I wish I could lift up all the abused children in the world and hug them. I want to reach out and give them the helping hand they need. I want to show them love and affection. Since the abuse is happening at a young age, the child may grow up with some problems. If this is so, we should all be patient with them and understanding. When you go to bed tonight, please say a little prayer for these children that are getting mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually abused. I know I will.
I have a quick question for you. You will find your answer at the bottom of this post.
Q: Which gender do you think are more likey to abuse children?
Facts about child abuse:
- A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds.
- 31% of women in prison in the United States were abused as children.
- Over 60% of people in drug rehabilitation centers report being abused or neglected as a child.
- About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children.
- Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy.
- Abused teens are 3 times less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at a greater risk for STDs.
I found all of these facts from here.
Here is a great song about child abuse: Alyssa Lies by: Jason Michael Carroll
Lets unite together to help prevent child abuse from happening. It is serious and it is very devastating. These are children that are sometimes defenseless. Find ways that you can help. Even if you just help one child, that's one less child abused. That's one less child hurt, and that's one more child still breathing. Fight for those who can't fight for themselves! Fight for the children that need help the most! Stand out against child abuse!
"Treat others like you want to be treated."

Have you ever been picked on? Has anyone ever been mean to you? We all have those people in our life that just love to drag us down and make our day no good anymore. They might not even know us that well but, they are quick to judge on everything and everyone. Let me ask you something else, have you ever been mean to someone? Hurt their feelings for no reason? Now I know that nobody that is innocent about that one. Why do we treat others poorly right after you get treated the same way? Think about it. It's not right and maybe some of us don't even see when we are being jerks, but we really shouldn't treat a person poorly. I know friendships take a lot of effort of kindness, trust, and honesty. Relationships also take the same as friendships, they take time. Treating each other bad in a relationship is just going to fail. You both need to treat each other with the up most respect. Either that or you will lose the person that you love or one of your best friends. Friends don't want to be treated like dirt or lied to. Lying, stealing, or hiding things are bad ways to treat friends and your boyfriend/girlfriend. Like in the quote of the week a couple weeks ago "Be good to people, it leaves a wonderful legacy." There is this awesome song by Taylor Swift that explains mean people for you.
Here is the video:
Here is the video:
Are you wondering I would like to stop being mean to people, but I really don't know how to...?
Here are some tips on how to stop being mean to people :
1. Find the source of your anger. Go and look what you get mad about, what makes you tick.
2. Turn an insult or mean comment into something good. I know this may sound weird, but turn that bad comment into a nice compliment. Like if you say "You are so annoying" try, "You are so confident in yourself all the time, it's great." It's that easy.

4. Consider the reason why you don't like someone. Could it be possible be that they are a lot like you, and the things you don't like are the things you do too?
5. Lend a hand. Help someone out that dropped papers or is having a bad day. Show them the new you and that you can be nice.
*If you are still having a hard time with this, surrond around people that will help you about your problem.
*If you are still having a hard time with this, surrond around people that will help you about your problem.
Let me know if you take this advice or like this post, comment below please. (:
Monday, January 10, 2011
Quote of the Week! (:
"No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift.
This is one of the few quotes that I actually go by. I support what she is saying like 100%. Being good to people does make you a wonderful person and that is what you want to be known for. Even if people are mean to you, just give them a smile and be nice back. I will bet that they will start to feel guilty about being mean to you and more than likely apologize to you. If nobody was
mean to anyone then the world would be at peace. We all know that will never happen because God made each of us differently so we will get mad and mean. Some people are just more mean then others, but those people will hit the part of life where they will realize what they are doing.
Even if you are stressed out or life isn't going quite how you want it to, be good and nice. I know I even have a problem with this. When I get stressed out I tend to lash out at people. Afterwards I regret it and say sorry. Everyone will remember you sometime in their life if you are nice and good to them. I hope this quote makes you think and really open your eyes to think. You like the quote? Tell me what you think about it! (: Thanks!
This is one of the few quotes that I actually go by. I support what she is saying like 100%. Being good to people does make you a wonderful person and that is what you want to be known for. Even if people are mean to you, just give them a smile and be nice back. I will bet that they will start to feel guilty about being mean to you and more than likely apologize to you. If nobody was

Even if you are stressed out or life isn't going quite how you want it to, be good and nice. I know I even have a problem with this. When I get stressed out I tend to lash out at people. Afterwards I regret it and say sorry. Everyone will remember you sometime in their life if you are nice and good to them. I hope this quote makes you think and really open your eyes to think. You like the quote? Tell me what you think about it! (: Thanks!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Interesting tests you'll want to check out!
I was looking for ideas for our blog, and I came across this mitten test. At first, I didn't even know it was a test. I just clicked one. These are the results I got:
You Are Social | ||
You are a naturally helpful and caring person. You want to see others succeed. You are compassionate and empathetic. You seem to always know what others need. You are trustworthy and friendly. Knowing that others depend on you makes you feel good. You are a natural teacher and counselor. You are able to put your own needs on the back burner in order to serve others. The mitten test is simple. You just choose the one that appeals to you the most. If you would like to take the mitten test, click here. ALSO There is this cute eye test. It is similar to the mitten test, so give it a try! Here are my results:
If you would like to take this test, click here. If you enjoyed those tests, you'll love these ones. I like these kind because they are so simple. One click, and you are done. Also, they have cute pictures! Here are some more: The Hand Drawn Heart Test The World's Shortest Personality Test The Eye Test The Tree Test The Heart Tattoo Test The Gift Box Test The Chair Test The Wedding Cake Test The Christmas Snow Globe Test The Christmas Card Test The Gingerbread Cookie Test The Pasta Test The Cassette Tape Test The Thanksgiving Dinner Test These ones aren't one click, but they're still good: The Inkblot Test The Labyrinth Test The Present Wrapping Oracle Enjoy :] |
Lyrics of the Week! : )
" You look around; It's staring back at you. Another wave of doubt, will it pull you under? You wonder... What if I'm overtaken? What if I never make it? What if no one's there? Will you hear my prayer? When you take that first step into the unknown, you know that He won't let you go. " - Britt Nicole
People have so many questions. What do I do? How do I know? Why is this happening? What do I do now? Does any of those questions sound familiar? This song is trying to tell you to stop questioning everything, start taking chances, and start trusting that God will help you the whole way through. It also talks about how your insecurities can hold you back. It's telling you to keep moving, even if you feel like just giving up.I really enjoy this song. When I'm feeling down and don't know what to do, this song picks me up. It helps me find my strength. Yes, it is a Christian song. I think that is what makes this song so amazing. Just have a little faith and you can walk on the water too!
Here is a video with the full song and lyrics. I couldn't find the official music video.
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